Corporate legal services
General meeting
Annual closure requires holding regular general meetings, and the decisions on any major issue related to the company’s operation should be made at extraordinary general meetings. The holding of general meetings is preceded by careful preparation thereof, in line with the procedures envisages in the law and/or statute and/or articles of association, and failure to respect these may nullify any subsequent actions or decisions made. This includes a decision for holding a general meeting, preparing an agenda in advance, sending/posting invitations to the meeting, observing the statutory time periods between announcing a date for the general meeting and the actual holding thereof, as well as subsequent posting of minutes and decisions made. We will prepare for you all documents required in relation to convening and holding the general meeting, if necessary – we will register the decision made in the Commercial Register and the Register of Non-Business Legal Entities, and depending on your company’s size – we will support the successful holding of the meeting in order to ensure the lawfulness of the decisions made. Our experience includes holding both ordinary and extraordinary general meetings, including of limited liability companies, joint-stock companies and companies whose shares are traded on a stock exchange and have hundreds of shareholders.