Corporate legal services
General terms and policies (GDPR, AML)
Every business providing services to consumers should have a schedule general terms, which meet the strict requirements of the Consumer Protection Act, the specific regulations for the specific activity, as well as European legislation, if applicable. In addition to the preparation of General Terms and Conditions for the activity, it is important that these same terms and conditions are applied and provided to users in a lawful manner in order to have effect and not to be derogated from due to non-compliance with the mandatory requirements of the law. the team of Nikolaev and partners has experience in servicing companies performing licensing and permitting activities, for which valid ones are required general terms for the provided services, sales, online trading and others, including for financial services and services related to cryptocurrencies.
In addition to current General Terms and Conditions, each business should processes and stores personal data lawfully of natural persons - his employees, but also customers and partners. The policy for processing personal data, internal rules for personal data, risk assessment, as well as the strict application of legislation in the field of personal data, have become an integral part of everyday life and work processes. However, the legal processing and storage of personal data should not be taken as a burden, as it can become if the law is applied incorrectly, on the contrary - in some cases it can facilitate the activities of companies, insofar as it may turn out that some data they should not be collected and stored at all. the team of Nikolaev and partners provides services in the field of personal data, such as the performance of analysis of personal data processing activities, Risk Assessment, preparation of policy for processing and storing personal data (privacy policy), internal regulations of the controller or processor of personal data, as well as all accompanying documentation to these policies.
Next, starting from 2018 and the current one Anti-Money Laundering Measures Act, a number of business activities are indicated as high-risk, and for them it is it is mandatory to apply measures for customer identification, clarification of the origin of funds, and other measures, provided for in the Bulgarian and European legislation against money laundering and the financing of terrorism. Such activities and businesses for which the preparation of rules and policies against money laundering is mandatory (AML), are the activities of the leasing companies, accounting services, services on trust management of property, dealers in arms, oil and oil products, the organizers of gambling, the persons who provide money loan against pawning things, non-profit legal entities, as well as consulting and mediation in real estate transactions, crypto companies, and other. Our team has experience in determining the necessary actions and measures against money laundering, preparing a risk assessment, preparation of internal rules on measures against money laundering and financing of terrorism, as well as the rest of the documentation necessary for any business for which the law requires mandatory application of the measures under the law.